
  • You can join solo, create and invite a team or be part of a team.

  • You can have at most 4 members in your team.

  • You cannot modify your team after you have submitted your idea.
  • The hackathon will start at Apr 14, 2023 12:00 AM CEST and end at June 3, 2023 11:55 PM CEST, you work on your hack during the allotted time only.

  • You need to submit ideas and submission during the stated time period

  • It's a strictly online hackathon, you can participate from anywhere.

  • There are several topics to choose from but limitless options within each topic, you must submit a hack that covers at least one of these themes OR motivate and clearly explain a topic brought by your/your team.

  • Once the hackathon starts, you/your team will get an option to submit your idea/submission, you/your team can submit 1 idea & 1 submission, which will be considered your final submission unless requested to do a revision.

  • You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas, any idea that has been copied from somewhere will be disqualified.

  • Your idea / submission must be developed entirely during the Hackathon duration. However, we do not restrict you in technologies used - as long as any/multiple technologies stated mandatory are included.


  • The intellectual property of your code belongs only to you/your team.
  • There is no fee in participating in the hackathon or to use the service.

  • You/your team may not acquire data from this service, manually, automatic or by any other functionality.

  • Jury’s selection is final and can not be disputed.

  • Prizes will be distributed as is or after individual agreement with the winner of a prize.

  • Any inappropriate behavior such as racism and/or similar will lead to a permanent ban.

  • By participating in the hackathon, you agree to our privacy policy & accept to follow the rules & terms of this hackathon service.