
In Make Remote Work Work teams compete to create the greatest digital office. Which aspect(s) of the office they want to focus on is free of choice, but below we offer a few suggestions. Take a look and be inspired, re-use ideas or come up with something completely different!


                    Graphical - The Space

MRWW - the space

The digital office boasts personalized workstations with ambient styling, hologram pictures on the walls, and individualized avatars for each employee. The workstations are entirely customizable, with employees able to create and add their own features to their space. By clicking someone's workstation you can interact with that person by chatting, leaving files on their virtual desks, or making calls in virtual reality. Everything you do at a workstation is represented graphically in the digital office. A unique feature of each workstation is a customizable virtual pet that moves around the digital office and interacts with other pets.



Collaboration - The Meeting Room                   

MRWW - the meeting roomIn addition to standard standard collaboration tools the meeting room features a virtual "war zone" for intensive strategy sessions, equipped with live data feeds, analytics dashboards, and a crisis management center for unexpected challenges. It also offers the option to participate in virtual reality meetings with using employee avatars and backgrounds, complete with realistic spatial audio effects. A built-in AI assistant helps manage agendas, take notes, and provide insights on meeting dynamics and engagement. In the corner of the room there's a "digital water cooler" that allows participants to engage in  in informal conversation and socialize virtually in between meetings.



                   Gamification - The Game Corner

MRWW - the game corner

In the game corner, employees can take a break from work and indulge in various virtual games, from classic arcade games to the latest multiplayer games. The space is designed like an amusement park, with different game areas inspired by different themes. For example, there's a spooky haunted house-themed area where employees can play horror games and a futuristic area where they can play space-themed games. The games are all fully integrated into the digital office, with employees able to invite others to play games with them or compete in high score challenges. The Game Corner also features a leaderboard to showcase the top players in the office.



Learning - The Library                   

MRWW - the libraryThe library is the office's space to do research and to work in peace. It features a "do not disturb" mode that lets colleagues know that you're busy and not to interrupt. When entering the library, you are no longer at your desk in the digital office. Access to the company's file database is easy and readily available, with quick search functions to find documents, reports, and data. As a fun addition to the space, there's a virtual "treasure hunt" game where users can discover hidden "books" with interesting company trivia or fun facts.



                   Planning - The Whiteboard

MRWW - the whiteboard

This space is an innovative environment designed for effective team planning and strategizing. The space is equipped with various tools and features that aid in brainstorming, idea sharing, and problem-solving. The digital whiteboard is an essential part of this space, providing a blank canvas for teams to visualize and organize their thoughts. The core feature is the "escape room mode", used to solve complex problems or challenges. The whiteboard automatically draws a room which adds escape possibilities based on input. When an idea is explored by the team the board graphically updates, either in the direction of the exit (the solution to the problem) or towards dead ends. 




Weavy and Noodl have joined forces to offer an exciting opportunity for participants to construct their digital office effortlessly. With the integration of Weavy into Noodl, all you need to do is install Noodl, and you'll have instant access to Weavy modules. This means you can commence building your digital office without any delays.

Follow this link to get started!