Using video meetings with Weavy

The meetings integration allow users to quickly start video calls directly from a Weavy component. This article describes the steps needed to configure a meeting provider.

For environments hosted on, all meeting providers are pre-configured and ready to use, but to light up the meetings functionality you need a Weavy environment with a Pro license.

Google Meet


  • A Google Workspace subscription
  • A Weavy environment with a Pro license

Create project

First you need to create a project in the Google Cloud console. Make sure to enable the Google Meet REST API on the project.

Next configure the OAuth consent screen and create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID in the Credentials section. Under Authorized redirect URIs add an url that points to /x/google/auth in your Weavy environment, i.e. {WEAVY-URL}/x/google/auth.

Configure Weavy

After your credentials have been created you must configure Weavy with the Client ID and Client Secret. For environments hosted on you can configure the values directly on your environment settings page.

For self-hosted environments, add the following section to your appsettings.json file.

  "Weavy": {
    "Google": {
      "ClientId": "",
      "ClientSecret": ""

Microsoft Teams


  • A Microsoft Teams subscription for your organization
  • A Weavy environment with a Pro license

Register app

First you need to register an app with the Microsoft identity platform. When registering the app select Web under the Redirect URI section and enter an url that points to /x/microsoft/auth in your Weavy environment, i.e. {WEAVY-URL}/x/microsoft/auth.

Next navigate to the API permissions section and add the Microsoft Graph OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite permission.

Configure Weavy

After your app is registered you must configure Weavy with the Client ID, Client Secret and your Microsoft Entra Tenant ID. For environments hosted on you can configure the values directly on your environment settings page.

For self-hosted environments, add the following section to your appsettings.json file.

  "Weavy": {
    "Graph": {
      "ClientId": "",
      "ClientSecret": "",
      "Tenant": "",

Zoom meetings


  • A free or paid Zoom account for your organization
  • A Weavy environment with a Pro license

Register app

First you need to register an app on the Zoom App Marketplace. The app must have the Create meeting (meeting:write:meeting) scope and the OAuth redirect url should point to /x/zoom/auth in your Weavy environment, i.e. {WEAVY-URL}/x/zoom/auth.

Configure Weavy

After your app is registered you must configure Weavy with the Client ID and Client Secret. For environments hosted on you can configure the values directly on your environment settings page.

For self-hosted environments, add the following section to your appsettings.json file.

  "Weavy": {
    "Zoom": {
      "ClientId": "",
      "ClientSecret": ""
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