Run Weavy on a developer workstation
When developing the integration between your app and Weavy it can often be useful to have a local instance of the Weavy backend on your development machine.
For now, we only support running Weavy on Windows. If you are on a Mac or Linux machine, you can use a virtual machine to run Weavy.
- Git
- .NET SDK (we also recommend installing Visual Studio with the ASP.NET and web devopment workloads)
- SQL Server 2017 or later (developer edition)
- SQL Server Management Studio
Download Weavy
The code is available on GitHub and the repo contains a fully functional ASP.NET MVC Core web application that you can download and build on your local machine.
In a terminal window, run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
Instead of cloning, you can also fork the repo. This lets you make changes to the project and allows you to easily fetch updates when we release new versions of Weavy.
Create database
Open SQL Server Management Studio and create a new database (we suggest you call it weavy
Configure app settings
Create a file named appsettings.json
in the src
folder. Add settings for database connection string and license as described below:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"Weavy": "server=localhost;database=weavy;trusted_connection=true;trustservercertificate=true;"
"Weavy": {
Build and run
Once the repo is cloned, the database is created, and the app settings have been configured, you can build and run the application.
Open a terminal window in the src
folder and run the following command:
dotnet run
Alternatively, if you have Visual Studio installed, you can also open the weavy-server.sln
file and select "Debug > Start Without Debugging" from the menu (or press Ctrl+F5
) to build and run the application.
That should be it. Open a browser and navigate to the endpoint displayed in the console window. If everything worked out you should see the Weavy logo on your screen.
If the application does not start, or if you get an error on startup, the console usually contains an error message describing the problem.