Chat component

The chat component renders a complete and functional user interface for a contextual Weavy Chat app.

Element: <wy-chat>
Class: WyChat


First import and configure Weavy and the WyChat component.

import { Weavy, WyChat } from "@weavy/uikit-web";

const weavy = new Weavy();
weavy.url = "";
weavy.tokenFactory = async (refresh) => "token_from_server";

Then add the <wy-chat> component to your HTML. Since it is a contextual app you must specify the uid property. The corresponding app will be created automatically on the server when a new uid is defined.

You can also adjust permissions and details for the app with the Apps API.

<wy-chat uid="my-chat-1"></wy-chat>

Note: The unique ids (uid) used when creating apps, users etc. is something you decide what it should be. Since the apps are contextual, the uid is often related to the context it's in. For example "product-123-chat", "customer-2-files etc".


Property Type Default Description
uid string Unique identifier for the Chat app to load .
features FeaturesConfigType {} Overrides the default features available for the product.
submodals boolean false Enables modal compatibility with other modals, backdrops and focus-traps. Note that it may have implications with layout (such as z-index effects) in your app.

The available features are controlled by your product license. The features config is opt-out, meaning you can disable available features, but never enable features that are not included in your license.

Feature Description
attachments Disable the possibility to upload local attachments.
cloudFiles Disable the cloud file picker (Google Drive, Dropbox etc).
meetings Disable Zoom meetings
mentions Disable the possibility to mention other people in the directory.
polls Disable possibility to create a poll.
previews Disable previews of files.
reactions Disable the possibility to add emoji reactions to a message.

Example: Render a chat component with the reactions feature disabled.

const chat = new WyChat();
chat.features = {
  reactions: false,



The WyChat component emits the following events.

Event Detail Description
wy:message_created { message: MessageType } New message created.
wy:reaction_added { reaction: string, entity: EntityType } Message reaction added.
wy:reaction_removed { reaction: string, entity: EntityType } Message reaction removed.
wy:app_updated { app: AppType } Chat details updated.
wy:conversation_marked { conversation: ConversationType, marked_at: string, marked_id: number } Message seen-by status updated.
wy:conversation_delivered { conversation: ConversationType, delivered_at: string } Message delivery status updated.