Building block features

This page contains an overview and short description of the features included in our building blocks. Not all features are included in every building block, see the documentation for each individual block for a list of features.


Attach local or cloud files to comment, posts and messages.

Chat bots

Integration with AI platforms such as Google Gemini, OpenAI etc.

Cloud files

Easily share files from cloud providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive etc.


You can add comments to files and posts to provide feedback and thoughts and boost collaboration with colleagues.

Delivery confirmation

Shows a small check mark below the message when it has been successfully sent, but not yet read by any participant(s).

Direct messages

Secure one to one communication between two users, including reactions, sharing of files and document previews.


Attach links witch rich previews to comments, messages and posts.

Emoji reactions

Add emoji reactions to signal what you think.

File previews

Thumbnails and previews of uploaded files directly in the UI. Handles most common document and image formats such as PDF, Microsoft Office, text, code etc.

File uploader

Secure and reliable file uploads directly from your device.

File versioning

We keep multiple versions of a file stored so you can go back to earlier versions if needed.

Group chats

Create a group of select people and start chatting, add reactions, share files and preview documents and much more.


Mention other users to notify them that their attention is needed.


You get notified when your are @mentioned, a new message arrives, a new file is uploaded etc.


You can easily create polls and let users vote on different options.

Presence indicator

UI shows a small circle showing if participants are online, away or disconnected.

Read receipts

Private chats and chat rooms display an indicator when a participant has read your message.


Automatic thumbnail images for most file formats.

Typing indicators

Clear indication in the UI gives you a hint that someone is typing you a new message.

Unread message counter

Indicator on how many unread messages you have.

Video calls

Integration with external meeting providers for video calls.


Open and edit Microsoft Office files directly from your application with the WebDAV protocol without needing to manually download, edit and re-upload files.