Built for developers

Feeds API & SDK

Weavy's components and app development tools make adding table-stakes social features easier than ever

Feeds API & your app

Built to work together

Feeds is designed to be tightly integrated with your product without adding to maintenance needs or requiring different developer skillsets

Feature complete

Everything users expect from activity feeds built and ready to embed.

Building blocks

UI components that are pre-built using the major frameworks.

Deploy in minutes

Spin up full staging, testing, and production environments in minutes.

Packet managed

Install activity feeds components directly from NuGet and npm.

Ready, fork, develop

Get our Open Source UI on GitHub - clone, fork, and start developing.

Built to serve

Host from your private cloud, on-prem, and anything in between.


Keep your place in the driver's seat

Our Feeds API and developer tools are designed to enable you to add a fully-featured in-app feeds experience that fits flawlessly from back to front


Open-source, feature-complete Feeds UI for your tech stack or platform.


Support for several platforms including Atlassian, HubSpot, Retool, Wix, and more.


Webhooks to build integrations that subscribe to events on the Feeds backend.
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