3rd in the Weavy Collaboration Hack 2020


- by Gorilla_Gang

Team: Gorilla_Gang
Members: Kaustubh Kanaujia, Ravi Saraswat, Ritika Mor, Anurag Srigyan

Jury motivation;
"You built a very nice application that maximized the features Weavy offers. This was a great demo."


Our objective : To have a system to efficiently maintain files, reports for doctors and patients . To easily search for a doctor on the basis of area, specialization and name. Also to easily communicate and book an appointment with a doctor in a hassle free manner. To chat with the doctor and view all previous medical history.

Implementation of Weavy Framework:

  • Notification provider is used to notify the patients and doctors about their appointments.
  • Messenger is used to chat with the doctor
  • Posts are used to track the doctor's community, by posing about their new researches.
  • File manager is used for keeping track of patients prescriptions and reports with a particular doctor by creating shared space for them.
  • Single Sign On is used for user login

Further development:

  • To add weavy zoom meetings for online appointments.
  • To add emergency ambulance booking
  • To make the website colour blind tested
  • To add instant bill payments on the website.
  • To add google and azure login via weavy support.

Presentation& Demo

Architecture & Technology Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • AWS
  • JS
  • Python
  • Express
  • Ejs



    Please refer the readme file in the source code for the instructions.


    You can actually interact directly with Gorrila_Gang on our discord

    Feel free to ask questions about their winning submission or questions directly to the Weavy team.

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