Out of the box feature complete

In-App Files

Give your users the power to upload, sync, edit, and share files right inside your app using our block

Get started with Weavy for free, forever - no credit card required.
Meet user expectations

Impress your customers

Adding Files to your app is the perfect way to increase product reliance

Collaboration and productivity features like file uploading, cloud storage syncing, and file previews are now a key component of user experiences for B2B software products. 

Adding Weavy's in-app Files to your product can improve user productivity and engagement, leading to in-app retention.

File uploader

Enable file uploading directly to your app.

Document sync

When editing in-app or on device, stored files update automatically.

Third party integrations

Let users link your app to their favorite cloud storage service.

Ship it faster

Improve your roadmap

Get table stakes features like files in your app in days

Building in-app files collaboration features like document sync and file versioning may take too much time and resources away from your core product roadmap. So keep your team's focus on what you do best, and we do the rest. 

Adding Weavy's Files API to your app can keep you on target while still adding more features.

Feature complete

Everything your users could want and need for collaboration, creation, and innovation.

Made for developers

Our easy Files API and developer tools simplify the process from development to deployment.
Files API

Priced to scale

Simple and flexible pricing that lets you decide at what pace you want to grow.
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