
Build Tomorrow

" Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things. "
- Theodore Levitt

With that being said, Weavy opens up the stage for all developers, innovators, and creative minds to come together and collaborate on the Build Tomorrow hackathon, the second hack in the Weavy hack series !! With advancements in technology, new innovative ideas can help us shape a better future for upcoming generations. Weavy takes pride in providing this platform for all of us to come together and be a part of this change.




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Project Horizon

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Best Innovation

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Build Tomorrow - by Weavy

Our second hackathon ran during Jun 1st to Sep 13 2021.

This hackathon became our first larger scale hackathon, even featuring artist collaboration.

The big take from this hackathon is the amount of modifications and tweaks of our SDK's - creating a new segment of potential upcoming plugins for the Weavy solution.
Build tomorrow - by Weavy 2020 saw an attendance of 1427 registered developers and was a cooperation between HackerEarth & Weavy.

If you want to get in touch with us at Weavy or with many of the previous hackathon attendees -  you can find us hanging out at our Discord server.



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